Examination of Robert Warnford
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fol. 212r
Leiutenant Robert Warnford of Athleagh Examined on behalfe of the Comon=wealth against Bryan mc Owen Kelly concerneing the murther of a Trumpeter belonging to Major Robert Omsby taken before vs whose names are herevnder subscribed taken the 29th day of Aprill 1653.
The said Examinante being duely sworne and examined vpon the holy Evangelist deposeth and saith That after he this Examinante had apprehended, the said Bryan mc Owen Kelly for the murther aforesaid and examined him and brought him to prison afterwards this Examinante comeing againe to the Prison as he was goeing away the said Bryan mc Owen Kelly called to this Examinante and haueing gotten the other prisoners out of heareing he whispered to this Examinante through the grate and told him this examinante that he the said Bryan would procure 5 li. sterling and giue it to this examinante vpon Condicion he this examinante would not prosecute the said Bryan for the murther of the said Trumpeter And further saith not
Rob Warnsford
ffra: Gore
Rob: Ormsby
fol. 212v
The Examinacion of Leiutenant Robert
Warnford: against Bryan mc
Owen Kelly for the Murther
of Major Ormsby his Trumpeter
taken 29o. Aprilis 1653