Examination of Ann Hayles
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fol. 233r
Gallway 13th January 1653 Ann Hayles bei{ng} duely sworne and Examined sath
To the ffirst Interg, shee Remembers that about the yeare 1641 Mr Robert Clarke Came into this Porte with a ship Loaden with salt and shee heard that there was in her Arms and Amunicion, and ffurther to that Interg saith not.
To the 2d interg: shee saith, that shee Credebly heard that John Turner by an Order from the Governor of the ffort Did endevour to bring in the aforesaid Armes & Amunicion into the said ffort,
To the 3d shee saith not
To the 4th she saith not
To the fifth shee saith that Credably shee <A> heard that Domnicke Kerwan was the cheifest Actor in the Surpriseing of the said ship
To the sixth shee sath not
To the 7th she this Examinant Deposes, that the O fflahertyes and the Irish of Err Connoght was sent for by the Towne of
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of Gallway to Come and Beseidge the aforesaid ffort, but whome in particculer <B> did advice or Councell for the same shee knowes not, But shee this Examinant Deposes that it was a generall Act of the Towne, and that they the aforesaid Irish were aided & assisted by the aforesaid Towne of Gallway
To the Eight interg: this Deponent saith that at the tyme of the Irish being in Towne there was Murthered, John ffox and his wife, and Mris Collins, and the Carpenter of Mr Clarks ship and others as shee heard, and shee see the head of the said ffox Carryed vp & Downe the streets of Gallway on the head of a Pyke, and the People cryed there was the head of an English Dogg, But the Particculer persons shee knoweth not, and ffarther this Examinant Deposes not
This Deposition was taken
by vertue of a Comission
to that effect from the
high Court of Justice
sittinge at Dublin
H: Hurd
John: Eyre
fol. 234r
fol. 234v
Ex of Anne Hales
Patrick Darcye