Examination of John Morgan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830229r163] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:28 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-01-13
Identifier: 830229r163


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: H Hurd
Deposition Transcription:

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Gallway 13th January 1653 John Morgan of Killcolgan Esquire being Duely sworne & Examined saith
To the ffirst Interg, that he knoweth Mr Robert Clarke Maister of the Elizabeth And ffrancis, which ship Came from ffraunce to the Port of Gallway about ffebruary 1641, and that the <A> said ship was cheifly Loaden with salt, and that there was in her, (as this Deponent Credably heard) Arms and amunicion whereof was Cape Marchant Tho: Linch ffitz Andrew, and allsoe Gregory Browne, and others whome this Deponant knowes not, and that Domnicke Kerwan was ffactour in the said shipp but knoweth not vpon what Accomt the said Arms and Amunicion was brought in the Ship, or to what end or Purpose brought to the said Port, but saith the Towne of Gallway made vse of them against the fforte,
To the second Interg, this Examinant Deposes, that he Credably heard that the said Arms and Amunition was endeavored to be brought into the ffort by John Turner then Clarke of the stores,who had a Warrant from the Lord Justices to Ceaze vpon any Armes and Amunicion that should come into the Porte

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To the 3d interg, he saith, he knoweth not for about that tyme he was in his way to Dublin, but he Credably heard that the said Mr Robert Clarke and John Turner was Quescioned for the same in the Towne of Gallway, and Commited and <C> this Examinant heard that it was by Sir Valantine Blake but how Long they were in Restraint or how inlarged he this Deponent knoweth not, nor where the assembly was held,
To the ffifth interg he this Examinant Deposes that Domnicke Kerwan with Divers others, Did Board & enter the said ship and the same fforceable tooke from the said Mr Clarke, and that in the takeing of the said shipp there was the Maisters mate Killed out Right and seuerall others Desperately wounded, Amonge whome was the Carpenter who was brought into the said Towne of Gallway & afterward Murdered therein by some of the Irish, which Came into the said Towne to Beseidge the ffort, and farther this Deponent saith, that hee see Divers and sundry of the Inhabitants, of the abouesaid Towne, from the place where he was sheltered going aboard the said Vessell Imediately after her being taken, but Could not Disserne or know who they were by Reason of the great Distance from him

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To the sixth Interg: this Deponent, saith that in the <D> said shipp there was taken Eleaven Peice of Ordinance, and a Considerable quantity of Arms and Amunition but the Just Quantity ke knowes not, and that the said Ordinance and Amunicion was brought into the aforesaid Towne, and the Ordinance planted with all Expedicion against the ffort in Order to the Reduceing of the same, by the Consent of the Maior Parte of the Towne of Gallway aforesaid and the cheife Men whome he this Examinant saw Actiue therein about the Management of theyr business against the ffort, were <E> Sir Tho: Blake, Sir Vallantine Blake, ffrancis Blake, John Blake fitz Nicholas, Tho: Linch fitz Ambross, Peter Begg ffrench, George skerrit, Tho: Linch fitz Andrew, Walter Joyce Domnicke Martin James ffrench fitz Edmond John Kerwin, John Linch fitz Stephen Tho: oge Kerwan, Jefferey ffont, Marcus Browne Linc{h} ffrancis Anthy and James oge Linch, and C{ } the then Maior of the Towne was Walter Linch the Recorder Tho: Linch and the sheriffs were <f> To any Accion of Pattr. Darcy he canot Depose ffarther then that he was Credably informed that he was in health and oft walked the streets and Did ffrequent

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ffrequent the place where they vse to sit in Councell about the management of theyr affaires
To the seaventh interg, he this Examinant Deposes, That he hath Credably heard that the O fflahertyes <G> and other the Irish of Er Connoght and County of Mayo, were sent for, and Procured to Come into the aforesaid Towne of Gallway but theyr names in Particculer he knowes not ffurther he this Deponent sath that the abouesaid Irish were ffurnished with Arms and Provision from the said Towne, Dureing the aforesaid seige
To the Eight he saith that Dureing the seige of the ffort, the said Irish came into the Towne of Gallway aforesaid, at which tyme was Murthered John ffox & his wife, and the Carpenter belonging to Mr Robert Clarke aforemencioned, to geither with Mris Collins and a Child of Mr John ffishers, but by whome the said Persons were Murthered he or that it was by any Particculer Procurement he knowes not, and to this interg ffarther saith not
To the Ninthe he sath not
This Deposition was taken
by vertue of a Comission to
that effect from the Honnorable
the high Court of Justice sitting
at Dublin
H: Hurd

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Ex: John Turner
against P
Patr Darcy

This is mistaken for it is
the examination of John Morgan Esquire

Deponent Fullname: John Morgan
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Galway
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Clarke, John ffox, Mris Collins, Gregory Browne, Domnicke Kerwan, John Turner, Walter Linch, Tho: ffitz Andrew Linch, Pattr. Darcy, John ffisher, Valantine Blake, Tho: Blake, ffrancis Blake, John Blake fitz Nicholas, Tho: Linch fitz Ambross, Peter Begg ffrench, George skerrit, Walter Joyce, Domnicke Martin, James ffrench fitz Edmond, John Kerwin, John Linch fitz Stephen, Tho: oge Kerwan, Jefferey ffont, Marcus Browne Linc{h}, ffrancis Anthy, James oge Linch, * O fflahertyes
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel