Examination of Jane Sheiley

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830247r172] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:28 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-01-25
Identifier: 830247r172


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: H Hurd, John Eyre
Deposition Transcription:

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Gallway 25th January 1653 Jane Sheiley being Duely sworne and Examined before vs saith
To the ffirst Interg, that Mr Robert Clarke there Mencioned brought a ship to the Port of Gallway Loaden with Salt, and there was in the said Shipp Arms and Amunicion but the quantity shee knowes not nor who were the Marchants or fasto said ffactors, and to what end the said Amunicion was and Arms were brought shee knowes not
To the 2d interg, shee Deposes, that the abouesaid Arms and Amuncion, was <A> Endeavored (by John Turner Clerke to the Store) to be brought into the fort but by what Order she knowes not
To the third interg this Examinant Deposes that the said Mr Clarke and Turner were Called before an assembly that sat in the vseuall place, ffor keeping of Courts in the said Towne, where was present, most of the Towne, and by the said assembly they the aforesaid Clarke and Turner were questoned and Comited to Prisson
To the ffourth interg, this Deponent sath that she Doth verily beleiue, that <B> Pattr: Darcy was att the aforesaid assembly

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Assembly, ffor as shee Credably heard <C> there was noe assembly held, but he was present and ffurther to that interg, shee knowes not
To the ffifth interg, this Examinant Deposes that the ship was Boarded and fforceably taken from the aforesaid Mr <D> Clarke, by the inhabitants of the Towne of Gallway, but the particculer Men that were Actors in the Surprisall of the said shipp she knowes not, Nor who were the procurers or advisers of the takeing of the said Vessell she knowes Not, but sath it was procured by the Generall Consent of the inhabitants of the Towne of Gallway, and in the takeing of the said Vessell the Maisters Mate was Killed and seuerall others wounded
To the sixth interg. this Deponent saith that the abouesaid Armes and Amunicion that was aboard the said Vessell, was <E> Disposed of by the Generall Consent of the Inhabitants of the aforesaid Towne, but who were cheife in the Ordering and Directing of the same, shee knowes not, and who were the Magestrates in the said Towne she Doth not well Remember, but beleiues that Walter Reagh Linch was then Major and whither Pattr: Darcy were present then she knowes not, but he was in health and

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<f> And Did Countenance, and abett the same as shee this Examinant Credably heard
To the seaventh interg this Deponent sath that the o fflahertyes and Irish of Err Connoght were sent for and procured to come into the Towne of Gallway in the begining of the Rebellion, but who were the particculer advisers and procurers of theyr Comeing shee knowes not, but sath it was a Generall Act of the Towne to bring in the Irish aforesaid against the ffort.
To the Eight interg, this Examinant Deposes <G> that Dureing the stay of the said Irish in the said Towne of Gallway, there was Murthered John ffox and his wife, & Mris Collins, and the Carpenter that belonged to Mr Robert Clarks shipp, and severall others were wounded, but who were the particculer Actors in the said Murthers she knowes not, nor what the said Irish were to haue from the said Towne, but Deposes, that shee heard one of the Irish soldiers say that the Inhabitants of Gallway aforesaid promissed them Eighteene hundred Pounds togeither with the plunder of the English for that Dayes worke, and this Examinant farther Deposes

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Deposes, that the said Irish were Mainten{ed} <h> by the inhabitants of Gallway aforesaid against the said ffort
To the Ninthe interg this Examinant saith not,
This Deposition was taken
by vertue of a Comission to
that effect from the Honnorable
the high Court of Justice sitting
at Dublin
John: Eyre H: Hurd

Ex Jane Shelye
Patr Darcye

Deponent Fullname: Jane Sheiley
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent County of Residence: Galway
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Clarke, John Turner, Pattr: Darcy, Walter Reagh Linch, John ffox, Mris Collins
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim