Examination of John Walsh

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830249r173] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:18 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-02-14
Identifier: 830249r173


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Galway & Roscommon
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Confederacy
Commissioners: H Paris, J Brett
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 249r

The examinacion of John Walsh of Lisronagh in the Countie of Tipperary Esquire taken at Clonmell the 14th day of ffebruary 1653 before John Bre{tt} and Henry Paris Esquires twoe of the Commissioners for appointed for the examininge of the delinquency of the Irish in the precinct of Clonmell.
The said deponent aged 44 yeares or thereabouts beinge duely sworne and examined sayth that hee well knewe Patricke Darcy Esquire professor of the Common lawe for aboue theise twentie yeares past, and that to the best of this deponents knowledge his habitation or place of residence was at or <A> neere Galway. That hee hath seene him a member of the first generall Assembly of the Confederate Catholicques of Ireland held at Kilkenny [ ] in of October 1642 And that by that Generall Assembly hee was elected one of the Supreame Councell, And that hee hath afterwards seene him, a member of most of the Generall Assemblies and Supreame Councells of the Confederat Catholicque{s} dureing the time of the rebellion, And that hee hath seene him signe the generall oath of confederacie at the said first generall Assembly, And the deponent further sayeth that there was a partie faction of the Irish adhearing to the Popes Nuntio <B> who were for introduceinge of fforraine power against English interest , and this deponent obserued that the said Patricke Darcie was sometimes against the said faction partie, and sometimes verie violently for them, And further sayeth that in August or Sept 1646 the Nuntio with his Cleargie and the heads of his faction partie sittinge at Waterford in consultation for the carryinge on of theire said designe, and to oppose the peace then concluded betweene the Lord of Ormond and the Supreame Councell of the Confederat Catholicques or theire <C> Commissioners, the said Patricke Darcy and Sir Nicholas Plunkett were sent from the Supreame Councell and other gentlemen of the Confederat Catholiqu{es} from Kilkenny to Waterford to labour to perswad{e} the

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the said Nuntio and his said partie to desist from theire <D> said proceedeings and opposition to the peace, (the said Patricke Darcy, and Sir Nicholas Plunkett pretendinge that they were wholly for the peace) but the said Patricke Darcy and Sir Nicholas Plunkett insteed of returninge to giue an account of theire message, stayed with the said Nuntio and his partie, and ioyned with them, This deponents cause of knowledge is that hee was at Kilkenny when the said Patricke Darcy and Sir Nicholas Plunkett were sent to the Nuntio, and heard and observed what hee hath deposed, And further this Deponent sayeth not.
John Walsh
Sworne and examined before
vs the day and yeare afore
J. Brett:
H: Paris.

Thus farr concerning Pa: Darcy

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The Examinacion of
John Walsh of
Lisronogh Esquire against
Patrick Darcy;

Deponent Fullname: John Walsh
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Tipperary
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Patricke Darcy, Nicholas Plunkett, Lord of Ormond, Nuntio *, * Nuntio
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned