Examination of William King
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=830286r195] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:09 AM
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fol. 286r
<Gallway> Examinacions taken by Collonell William Edwards Charles Holcroft and Robert Clarke Esquires, Concerning the murder of Captain Clarkes ship & seuerall other murders Committed in the towne of Gallway; May the 8th 1654
<A> William King of Newcastle in the County of Gallway gentleman sworne & Examined before vs sayeth to the first Intergatory
That he knoweth that a ship came to the towne of Gallway about the beginning of the Rebellion in March 1641 of which Robert Clarke was then master laden with salt armes and Amunicion from ffrance as he heard, as also that one Thomas Lynch was marchant & one Dom Kirwan ffactor to the said merchant, this deponent then lived at vranmore within three miles of Gallway
To the second Intergatory he sayth not
To the third Interg: he sayeth that Robert Clarke and one John Turner were both Comitted to close prison by an assembly of the towne held in the towne and had been hanged had it not been for the Earle of Clanricard as it was reported & sayeth that he knoweth noe perticuler man of the said assembly
To the ffourth Intergatory he sayeth not
To the ffiueth Inter: he sayeth that the said ship as he heard was boarded by one Dom Kirwan who went with other persons vppon pret{ence to} bring salt a shore and that he heard there were some persons Killed a{nd woun}ded vppon boarding the said ship whereof one Herring master mate was killed {when} the said ship was surprised
To the sixt Intergatory he sayeth not
To the seauenth he sayeth that he heard the o fflaher{tyes w}ere brought into <B> the said towne but doth not know by whose meanes.
To the Eight Inter: he sayeth that he heard the o fflah{ertyes} men murdered one ffox and his wife as also an English Gentlewoman in {the} said towne
To the Nyneth Intergatory he sayeth not
William King