Deposition of Hugh O Roirke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:41 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 53r
The examination of Captin Hugh ô Roirke nowe in Kiltaghvorke within the Barony & Countie of Lethrim taken the 26th of May 1653
Hugh ô Roirke beinge of the age of thirtie yeares of thereabouts, beinge examined sayeth vppon the murder of twoe Ministers that weare murdred neare Manerhameltonn, sayeth that hee doth not knowe anythinge of the said Murder, or euer heard off, or save the said ministers before or after theire murder, vntill hee happened to light vppon a litle booke wherin Sir ffredricke Hammeltonn taxed Sir William Cole for some things to the Parliament of England; And in answeare to the said accusation <A> Sir William maketh mention of the Murder of theise twoe Ministers whearvpponn the examinate beinge more Inquisitive after the matter hath heard that Coll: Conn ô Roirke sent for the said Ministers to Drumahier, to have them Convoyed to Iniskelyn; The Certainty wherof the examinate knoweth not, And further beinge examinated whether hee was at the Campe before Mannerhameltonn when Coll: Conn ô Roirke was there, saith that the said Conn ô <B> ô Rorike was inCamped there for some tyme before the examinate his Cominge to the Campe, & that hee is Certainly assured that the said Ministers weare not brought thither durigne the examinants beinge there, or sent for to his knowledge; And further this examinant beinge questioned concearninge the murderinge of mr Thomas Jones a Minister sayeth that hee sawe the said Mr Thomas Jones in the house of Teige mcNamee, and that hee sawe him kyndly intertained that night, & afterwards hee the said mr Jones was sent to Cooluny to Maior gennerall Taaffe; but what became of him this Examinant knoweth not; And further shayth nott.
Hugh o Roirke
Signed and acknowledged before mee as wittness my hand
Rich: Coote
fol. 53v
Hugh o Rorkes