Examination of Teige ô Burne
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fol. 55r
The Examinacion of Teige ô Burne late of Cullmore in the County of Roscomon yeoman now a prisoner in the Marshalsyes of this Towne of Athlone taken before vs whose names are subscribed the 29th day of April 1653
<A> The said Examinante being duely examined saith That he was not with Connor ô Burne when he tooke Hugh Slidd out of the Custody of Robert Nugent neither was present when the said Hugh was killed but this examinante hath heard that William Berrin was the cheife Actor in the murther of the said Hugh And further saith not.
the marke of Teige [mark] ô Burne
ffra: Gore
Rob: Ormsby
Rich: Laughlin
fol. 55v
The Seuerall Examinacions of Robert Nugent and Teige ô Burne concerning the murther of Hugh Slydd taken 29o April 1653