Information of Lieutenant Newborgh

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:57 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 831105r098


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Leitrim, Sligo & Mayo
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: Walter Carwardine
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 105r

The Informacion of Liuetenant Newborgh concerning the mur at Temple howse
being duly sworne and examined saith that about a month since this deponent with others tooke prisoner one Nele morah o Hanlon and at that time inquired of <A> him what murthers hee knew of which if hee would discover hee promised hee should might fare the better, wherevpon the saied prisoner now informed him that at a little a little before the murther at temple howse hee tooke prisoners the parties which were there afterwards murthred and having so taken them hee [led?] them to three Captains which commaunded there in cheife (viz) Capt: John o Crean Capt brian o harra, and Cormocke mc donnagh at which time hee heard Capt John o Crean say that hee was the third Captain in that place and therefore hee desired that each captai n might haue a if they would [ ] him haue the third part of the prisoners and hee would execute [them ] his part where vpon hee had his

fol. 105v

third part of the prisoners deliuered to him who immediately delivered <B> them over to Jefry french his wifes sister Jeane and soon after they were executed
Ar: Newburgh
Sworne and examined before mee
Walt: Carwardine

Deponent Fullname: Liuetenant Newborgh
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Lieutenant
Deponent County of Residence: Sligo
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Nele Morah o Hanlon, John o Crean, Brian o Harra, Cormocke McDonnagh, Jefry french
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned