Deposition of James Linch
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:27 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 253r
Depositions taken at Sruell Aprill the 14th before mee Maior Ormsby, concerning the Murder of Sruell
<A> James Linch aged about 33 years of Sruell Merchant, being duely sworne on the holy Evangelists, and deposed saith that Richard McTybott, then of Cahirnakilly in the barrony of Kilmain was present at the Murder of Sruell, and that this deponent saw him the said Richard there, and further this Depanent saith that it was then comonly Reported, that the said Richard was active in the Murder, And further this deponent saith, that the said Richard the next day after the Murder was in Company with Donnogh o Kenny who shotte at Mr Gilbert, Archdeacan of Tuam as the said Mr Gilbert was in his passage towards Cungs in the Company of William Linch ffryer, this Deponants Brother: And further saith that since the Apprehension and escape of the said Donogh the said Richard hath not been Resident in Irel any certaine place; and further saith not:
James Lynch
James Linch of Sruell in the County of Mayo Merchant bound in tenne pounds sterling to the state, to prosecute the above Richard McThybott att the next Genrall assize or Goale Delivery for the precinct of Galway 010 li.-00 s.-00 d.
James Lynch
Taken before mee
Rob: Ormsby