Examination of Richard McThybott
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fol. 253v
<B> The Examination of Richard McThybott, concerning the Murder of Sruell taken before mee Maior Robert Ormsby at Sruell the 14th of Aprill 14th 1653
The said Richard McThybotte of Ballyfrooty in the barrony of Clane in the County of Galway Husbandman; being duely examined saith that hee the said Examinant lived at Caghirnahilly, within a Mile of Sruell, about the time that the Murder was comitted: but and that hee was at Caghiernakilly at the time the Murder was comitted; and that hee the said Richard was at Caghirnakilly the next day after the Murder was comitted; and stirred not from thence that day, neyther saw William Linch nor Donogh Kenny nor Mr Gilbert that day: And further saith that hee hath lived in Ballyfrooty aforesaid since Michaelmas last, and farther saith not.
Richard mc [mark] Thybott his Marke