Examination of Richard Burke
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=831275r204] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:06 AM
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fol. 275r
The examinacion of Rich: Burke of a ffryer of the Abye Moyle June the 23th 1653
<A> Sayeth That his brother Edmund Burke gave him order perswaded him to goe with some one Mr Walker Mr Woods & two English woemen to the see them safe over the river moy and to gett them victualls for that night That accordingly hee went with them that night to Coremely to Tho: Boy O Lungan house whos house was over the said river And the next morning went with them to one Jordans house w hich some 3 nights i s aboute a myle from the place where he lay the night before & after they had dined there he appointed to Convey to goe with them to one tooke leave of them & told them that they might lye at Hugh O Haras house if that night if it were Late before they could goe any further & then t h returned to his brother at Rappa, & soe to the Aby of Mole where the rest of the ffryars were
Rich: Bourk
Taken before me then
Walt: Carwardine
fol. 275v
fol. 276r
fol. 276v
Examinacion of Rich: Burke
concering the murther of
Walker & others.