Examination of Bridgett Lorkan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=834202r159] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:17 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-04-23
Identifier: 834202r159


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Killing, Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: James Donelan, John Ponsonby
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 202r


The Examinacion of Bridgett Lorkan wife of Roger Lorkan of Drogheda Taylor taken the 23th day of Aprill 1653
The said Bridgett aged forty yeares or thereabouts being duly sworne and examined by vertue of oath saieth That about Christmas January next after the begininge of the Rebellion shee lived at Ballyrush <A> in the County of Monaghan and then did heare from Anne Ball and seuerall other English and alsoe diverse of the Irish whose names shee doth not nowe remember that Thomas Parker was taken by the Rebells and shott and wounded and afterwards was by them buryed alive in a ditch And that when the Earth was vpon him hee called to his wife to take of the mould from of his mouth for that it was ready to choake him And that shee heard it reported that Ardell Beddagh mc Mahon was amongst & present with them that killed the said Parker, And that shortly after the said Parker was killed the said Ardell and others

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in his Company came to the howse where <C> this deponent then lived as a servant to drincke And the said Ardell and the rest in his Company in a bragginge manner Reported in this deponents hearinge that the said Parker was killed and that they were present at his killinge, called calling the said Parker a bloody R stubborne Roague And saieth that the said Ardell was then a sturdye youth and did weare a Long skeane and did seuerall tymes threaten to kill and bee the death of her this deponent and her sonne John Lorkan And this deponent further saieth That shee did knowe and see the said Ardell to bee one of those that gathered the English of the Plantacion of Ballarush together that most of whome was as shee hath heard were sent to a Logh and were drowned which shee shee the rather bes beleiues to bee true for that shee knew only two familyes of them that retorned & escaped vizt John Ampson & his family & John Massar & his family

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This deponent further saieth That Terlogh <D> O Duffye, Rosse mc Mahon, Brian mc Mahon and diverse other whome shee cannot nowe remember were these that gathered the said English together that were sent to the Logh And this deponent further saieth that one Marke Robinson a shooemaker was one Eveninge in not long after the begininge of the Rebellion hanged at Ballarush And one Brian Modder Rosse mc Mahon Brian mc Mahon and other Irish were present at the hanginge of the said Robinson and that the said Robinson was taken by the said Irish in this deponents sight and wounded and afterwards hanged, And heard that the said Robinsons wife and fowre Children of his were as shee heared afterwards drowned in the logh
And the said Ardell beinge nowe at the tyme of this deponents Examinacion brought in presence of the deponent This deponent deposeth and testifieth that hee is same Ardell Beddye mc Mahon whoe is formerly mencioned & intended by this her Examinacion

Bridgett [mark] Lorkans mark
This Examinacion
{tak}en before vs
Ja Donelan
John Ponsonby

Deponent Fullname: Bridgett Lorkan
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Wife
Deponent County of Residence: Monaghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Anne Ball, Thomas Parker, Ardell Beddagh mc Mahon, Terlogh O Duffye, Rosse mc Mahon, Brian mc Mahon, John Lorkan, John Ampson, John Massar, Marke Robinson
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Witness, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim