Deposition of Patrick Hume

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:50 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-04-01
Identifier: 835259r281


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Gerard Lowther, John Carmick, John Chiselin, Robert Browninge, William Hamilton
Deposition Transcription:

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< C ffermanagh [ ] > The Examination of Captain Pattrick Hume taken vppon oa{th} at Iniskillin in the County of ffermanagh the first day of Aprill 1654 before William Hamilton Lieuetenant Jo: Chiselin William Hamilton John Carmick Robt Browning gentle{men} Comissioners thervnto autherised by vertue of a Comission of the nyneth day of March 1653 signed by the honorable Sir Gerad Lowther knight Lord president of the High Courte of Justice errected at Dublin as followeth And to the said Comissioners or any two or more of them directed
This examinant vppon his oath sayeth that vppon the 24 th day of December 1641 Rowry mc Gwire brother of the Lord mc Gwire being on the head of a Company of Rebells to the number of eight hundred persons or thereaboutes in Armes did march in hostile maner to the Castle of Tully where hauing sumond the Ladie Humes, < A > Allexander Hume, John Greere and this examinant (who then did labor to perserue the Lives of them & of many other Brittish protestantes with by theire defending the same) to yeeld vpp the said Castle unto theire handes, the said sumoned through dread & despaire of theire lives came to parly with the said Rowrie at Tullyhill the said day & yeare where it was agreed vppon that the said Ladie Hume Allexander Hume John Greere, the examinant and the rest of all the men women & children that were then with them in that Castle should have quarter { } for theire Liues & all theire goodes with free liberty & safe conduct to goe either to Monea or to Iniskillin at theire {choice} provided the said Castle and armes in the same should be yeeld v nto and rendered vpp into the handes of the said Rowry mc Gwire all which was granted & promised yea vpon oathes & confirm{ed} by {w?} < B > by the said Rowry vnto them. And therevppon the said Rowry did enter into the said Castle the day and yeere aforesaid and received the Armes that weere then there, And afterwards the same day the sa{id} Rebells having stript the said protestantes of all theire cloathes (except the said Ladie Hume) they imprisoned them in the vault or Cell{ar} of the said Castle, where they kept them with a strong guard on th{em} all that night, And the then next mornning being the Lordes { } and the 25 th of December 1641, they tooke the said Lady Hum{e} Allexander Hume, Jo: Greere this examinant with theire wives & children f{rom} amongst the rest of the said prisoners forth of the said Castle, and pla{ced} them th in the barne of one John Goodfellow at Tully aforesaid { } < a > stones cast from the said Castle puting them in hope that they wo{uld} convey them to the Castle of Monea vpon horsses which they p{rovided}

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provided for them but as for the rest that were left then behind them in the < C > Castle of Tully, the said Rebells tould those in the barne, that they should goe on foote after them to Monea aforesaid, But immediatly after vpon the said 25 th of December 1641 at Tully Castle & within & about the Bawne and vault of the same in the said County of ffermanagh the said Rebells did most cruelly bloudily and barbarously Murther and kill the said protestantes to the Number of fifteene men, and three score women and children or thereaboutes, the names of the persons soe murthered followeth vizt
Tho: Trotter, ffrancis Trotter Allexander Chirneside Allexander ffy Bell George Chirnside Robt Black James Barry Tho: Andersonn, Robert Lowden, John Brock David Anderson James Anderson , and many others both men women and children whose names this Examinant at this tyme dooth not Remember
The actors [ ] of which Massacre and murther this examinant saieth for the most parte now eith are since that tyme dead or slaine as he heard And as for such of them as surviveth them this Examinant remembers not theire names
And this examinant further saieth that after the said Rebells did plunder < d > & pillage the goodes that was within that Castle they did burne the said Castle the day and yeere aforesaid And further this Examinant deposeth not any thing [ ] all
Taken before us the day
first of Aprill 1654
Pa: Hume
Will Hamilon
John Carmick
Robt Browning
Edw Bampton

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Deponent Fullname: Pattrick Hume
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Captain
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Rowry mc Gwire, Lord mc Gwire, Lady Hum{e}, Allexander Hume, Jo: Greere, Tho: Trotter, ffrancis Trotter, Allexander Chirneside, Allexander Bell, George Chirnside, Robt Black, James Barry, Tho: Andersonn, Robert Lowden, John Brock, David Anderson, James Anderson, John Goodfellow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned