Deposition of Thomas Turke

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:45 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 836016r013


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 16r

25[ ]
The { } of droghedah taken { }
This Examinant being sworne saith that he was in { } when it was delivered to Sir Phelim o Neile on { } in october 1641 That Sir Phelim then ordered all Trades{men} of the English there to follow theire severall callings particularly encourageing therein this Examinant being by his Trade a Butcher saying let me se who dares take any thing from you without money. That After the fight & losse of the Irish at Lisnegarvy in december their followeing then began to murder the English every where in the Country & in Armagh also. That by beate of drum in the towne of Armagh the English were gathered together at three severall times, those of the meanest sort being first sent away, those of the midle sort next, & the chiefest reserved for the last. That with those of in the second driveing away being in number 72. the Examinant was one, whoe were caried to Monimore in the Co: of Londonderry that there one who had beene sometimes a servant to the Examinant, then a Lie{uten}ant heareing of the Examinants there being said that he wa{ } to me & my him the Examinant & to his friends & would do me him goode { } whereupon one saide to him the said Lieutenant, then ge{ } among the rest of the English otherwise he wi{ } the saide Lieutenant did accordingly gett away from { } the said English him the Examinant by whose whereby he { } rest of the English being all cutt off & 30 o{ } into one turffe pitt as the Examinant was told afte did after h{ } man relate it to others in the Examinants presence { } saith that his wife being left at Armagh whe{ } was driven thence as aforesaid, & she being { } when Armagh was in burning, & some Eng{lish } put into & shutt up in the common gaole vnder { }

fol. 16v

{ } at that time in Armagh { }{ w}as present when some of the Irish asked Sir Phelim what should be doune with the English in the gaole the towne being then on fire! what shallbe doune with them? (said he) blowe them up & make gunpowder of them: which the Examinant was after told by his wife. And further saith not.
Thomas Turkes
deposed before me
Hen: Jones

fol. 17r

fol. 17v

The Exam. of
Thomas Tukes
Y 4

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Turkes
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Butcher
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phelim o Neile
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel