Deposition of Cormack Mc Donell

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:55 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-06-30
Identifier: 835265r285


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Stripping
Commissioners: Francis Willoughby, Thomas Long
Deposition Transcription:

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The ffurther Examminacon of Cormack mc Donell of Lesneskey in the Countie of ffermanagh yeoman taken the Twentie Sixth thirtieth daye of June In the yeere of our Lord One Thousand Sixe Hundred ffiftie foure Before vs Sir Francis Willoughby knight & Col Thos: Long Twoe of the Members of the high Court of Justice appointed for taekeinge of Examminacions in the behalf of his Highnes the Lord Protector of the Comman wealth of England Scotland and Ireland
This Examinante beinge duelye sworne and ffurther Examined deposeth and saythe That hee beinge one of the Sheriffes Bayliffes in the Countye of ffarmanagh aforesayd The twoe and Twentieth daye of October In the yeere of our Lord One Thousand Sixe Hundred ffortie one, was Commanded by one Mr Humphry Littleburye then Subshreiffe of that Countye, to bee and attende him att the Court Leete helden att Maherryvilley within the Baronye of Clankelley in the same Countye, which hee this Examinant accordeinglie did And That before the sayd Court was fullye ended the sayd Mr Littlebury Littleburye was sente for by Mr Arthur Champion to his House called Shannocke Castle, being aboute a myle and halfe from that place, whoe presentlye wente thither to him, And lefte him this Examinante att Maherrye villey aforesaiyd with some distresses where hee stayed all nighte att the house of one William Armstronge, together allsoe with Maximillian Tibbs high Constable of the said Baronye Miles Acres Hughe Stoockes Thomas Sergeant whoe were slayne on the morrowe Phillip ô Clerkian and some others whose names hee dothe not nowe remember beinge allsoe att the said Armstrongs house with us on the morrowe And this Examinant further saythe that aboute Sixe or Seaven of the Clocke in the morneinge beinge Satterdaye the three and Twentieth of October aforesayd Newes came to the sayd House That the woodkernes were come to the sayd Mr Champions house, And That they had killed him and Mr Iremonger Mr Humphry Littleburye the then vnder Sheriffe & Mr Thomas Champion the sayd Mr Arthur Champions brother, and had

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Plundred his house and robbed him wherevppon the sayd Maximillian Tibbs beinge high Constable charged this Examinant and the reste of the Companye, and allsoe all the men in the Towne In the kinges name to goe alonge with him towards Shannock to see what the matter was or words to that effect, And presentlie the sayd Myles Acres and Thomas Sergeant beinge affreighed att the Newes stayed not for the reste of the Compnaye butt rann hastilie awaye (The sayd Acres sayeinge that hee would goe home and ffetche his sword) whoe were Lighted vppon by the Irishe Rebells whoe killed the sayd Myles Acres before this Examinat and the reste of the Company came to them as the Examinant was tould by diuers of the sayd Rebells And dothe verilie beleiue itt to bee true for that some of them showed < B > him this Examinant the sayd Acres his sword in Thomas Oge mc [ ] Guires hand whoe was one of the Cheife amongste them att the same tyme of the meeteinge of the sayd Rebells vppon the highe waye neere a place called Ahah Gegh aboute a myle from Maherrye villey aforesayd, which sayd Rebells then and there had the sayd Thomas Sergeant Prisoner amongste them And shortlie after some wordes passed amongste them as in this Examinates former Examinanacion is sett forthe they Presentlie killed the sayd Maximillian Tibbs and Thomas Sergeant and tooke this Examinants sword from him and tooke him Prisoner whereuppon the sayd Phelip ô Clerikan and one Mr Blood an Englishman runne awaye And this Examinant ffurther saythe That one Donn Carrogh mc Guire theire pretended < C > Captayne haueinge aboute Sixtie more in his Companye was the man that layde hould of this Examinant and caused him to bee kepte Prisoner untell Mundaye after beinge the Twentie ffifth of October aforesaid of which nomber the sayd Donn Carrogh and aboute ffortie more of them have beene sithence slayne as this Examinant hathe beene crediblie Informed and dothe beleive And That the sayd Thomas < D > Oge mc Guire Hughe mc Cohill Turlogh mc Thomas Boy mc Guire Redman mc Owen mc Guire Patrick Duff mc Guire Redman mc Ross mc Guire Donnogh Grane O Mullegan Phillip O Mulegan Turlagh Ballagh mc Maghan Bryan Madder mc Guire Shane mc Guire Shane mc Hughe mc Guire & Brian ô Mullegan

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< Ex > which this Examinant knewe were all in Company with them with such Armes and weapons as they had gotten att Shannock and elswhere are yett liveinge as this Examinant verilie beliueth And this Examinant ffurther saythe That on the aforesayd Mundaye thaforesayd twentie ffith of October the aforesayd Rebells broughte this Examinant towards Newetowne where they mett Roary mc Guire theire pretended Collonell with aboute ffoure or ffive Hundred more in his Companye which hee had raised aboute Eneskillinge and the Nether parts of the Countie of ffarmanagh and other places whereof this Examinant knewe verye ffewe and there this Examinant got awaye from them And this Examinant ffurther saythe amongste those which were in Roary mc Guires Company hee remembreth none that he knowe saue onelye William Graham alias Greames Edward Greames Enock Johnston ffrancis Greames all Scottsmen Pretendinge that they did mediat for the English, butt whether they did, or noe, hee knoweth not And this Examinant ffurther saythe That after hee was gone home < f > to his ffathers house aboute one Myle from Newe Towne aforesayd Itt was the Common Reporte of the Countrye That the sayd Roary mc Guires Companye had stripped all the Englishe that were gotten into the Churche there, and killed some of them And ffurther saithe That itt was likewise the Common reporte of the Countrye, That the sayd Donn Carrogh mc Guire Turlagh mc Tho: Booy mcc Guire and diuers others of the Ireishe Rebells had mett with John Maynes George Dickinson Edward Paulter Stephen Dixan and divers other Englishe People bothe men and woemen att a place called Larne aboute three Myles from Newe Towne aforesayd and slayne them and all the men in the Companye And hee dothe verilie beleiue the sayd Reporte to bee true for that one Lathren the wife of the sayd George Dickinson came wounded from thence to this Examinantes fathers house and did Reporte itt her selfe. and further saieth not
{deposed} before us
Cormock [mark] Mc Donell
{his mark}
{ F Willoughby} Thomas Long

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The further Examination
of Cormack mc Donell

Deponent Fullname: Cormack mc Donell
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lord Protector, Humphry Littleburye, Arthur Champion, William Armstronge, Maximillian Tibbs, Miles Acres, Hughe Stoockes, Thomas Sergeant, Mr Iremonger, Thomas Champion, John Maynes, George Dickinson, Edward Paulter, Stephen Dixan, Phillip , Thomas Oge mc Guires, Donn Carrogh mc Guire, Hughe mc Cohill, Turlogh mc Thomas Boy mc Guire, Redman mc Owen mc Guire, Patrick Duff mc Guire, Redman mc Ross mc Guire, Donnogh Grane O Mullegan, Phillip O Mulegan, Turlagh Ballagh mc Maghan, Bryan Madder mc Guire, Shane mc Guire, Shane mc Hughe mc Guire, Brian , Roary mc Guire, William alias Greames Graham, Edward Greames, Enock Johnston, ffrancis Greames
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned