Examination of Brian Clarke
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fol. 183r
The Examinatione & deposition of Brian Clarke soldier in Captain Guilluns Company taken this 28th of January ffebr 1652
Whoe vppon his vollentary oath saieth that in the yeare 1641 soone after the beginning of this Rebellion Phelemy o Quiny and his blody troope company: came to the Church of Killmore in the County of Armagh, where <A> thay had a masse [ ] v pon a Sunday and Immediatly after this Examinant being in Raulfe Clatons howse nere the saide Church, and heering a Greate Crie, he steapt to the dore, and there he saw 2 men a murdering, by name Edward Davise, and Robert Corshanke, where the afore saide Phelemy o Quin was very actiue amongst the rest, and one of the 2 men by name Robert Corshanke escaped from them, and the saide Phelemy o Quin most violently Clapte spurs to his horse and over tooke the afore saide Robert Corshanke whoe was slaine in the place, the afore saide Phelemy o Quin had his pyper by name, John Brattyn playing with hym, all the while,
further this Examinant saieth that he heard itt reported by divers persons, that the saide Phelemy o Quin was the Cause of putting very maney of both English and scots to death in those Cruell tymes and this Examinant saieth that he belee u es that the said John Brattyn can giue a relation of maney Murders which weare Committed by the saide Phelemy o Quin and his followers, in those partes, of the County of Armagh and further saieth not.
Jur Geo Rawdon.
fol. 183v
Brian Clarkes Exami
natione concerning
Phelemy o Quin
January 22, 1652
Bryan Clarke Exa=
minacion taken
before Capt Guylinn
versus Phill: o Quin