Examination of Richard Miles
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=836214r110] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM
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fol. 214r
4 [ ] 4118
The examinacion of Rich Miles of Causey end neere Lisnegaruy in Com: Antrim shomaker aged fourty yeares or thereabouts taken at Lisnegaruy 3 May 1653
Who saith that as he was comeing from Loughall in the begining of the Rebellion (where he liued) for feare of the Irish he was taken by them vpon his way & brought vnto Charlemount where they did not take away his life in regard he was a Shoemaker & Seruiceable for them & one day walkeing hardby this Tan house where the before men cioned Simon Hasleton worked by close to the water side where the before mencioned Robert Bickerdike & his wife were drowned he espied two Corpes lyeing in the water vpon which he demanded of seuerall of the Irish who they were who answered that they were the Corpes of Robert Bickerdike & his wife being lately drowned there And afterwards this examinant saith another day he was walking into the fields close to Charlemount where he espied two bodyes slaine in a ditch which he knew to be the Corps of Tho: Dauis & his wife but by whome the aforemencioned persons murdered as aforesaid were slaine this examinant knowes not
Rich [mark] Miles ex marke
Jur Geo Rawdon
fol. 214v
[ 421 ] 4119
Rich: Miles Examinacion
about the murder of Bicker