Deposition of Hugh Magin
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 45r
[ 4197 ] 4104
<symbol> The examinacion of Hugh Magin of Dromara in Coun Downe 1 Jan: 1652
He being demaunded accsued for hauing a hand for in the murdering of Lieut Treuor and seuerall other persons in the passe neere Dundrum <A> saith that at the begining of the Rebellion denyeth that hee had any hand in it nether was present or knew of it i t till it was done, but saith that he heard one Donnell mc Inergon Kenerygan and Pat o Gormely & Bryan mc Rory Turlogh o Murphee being Coll mc Murphees brothers son & Aghely mc G innis Aghly mc Art mc Hugh mc Phill maginnis & diuers others that he cannot now remember confesse they were at that accion & he saw him that was cheife in the said accion murther & had comaunde of the rest dealing the said clothes who is called Con mc Art mc Hugh mc Phill Maginnis & whom he saw lately at Dromore
Patr o Sheale & Teige Oge o Sheale can testifie in this matter
<B> The 2d examinacion of Hugh Magin who saith that he was at Newcastle that day which liutt Treuor and other prisoners weere Carried by with a guard, and that he this examinant spake with liutt Treuor as he passed by perceiuinge him to be uery weake and further saith that the persons mentioned in the former examinacion were the men that he knew to be of the guard. and that Patr o sheill and Teige o sheill can testifie further therin
fol. 45v
[ 4198 ] 4105
fol. 46r
4199 4106
fol. 46v
4200 4107
Hugh Magins
Examinaciondec Jan: 1 1652
versus Donell mc Kerigan
Patt: mc Gormely
Brian mc Rory
Turlogh Murphy
Aghalee mc Art mc Hugh mc
Phill: Maginis