Deposition of Thomas Clarke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:03 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 50r
Captain Thomas Clarrke aged forty yeares or thereabou{tes} beinge duely sworne and Examined sayth
That Nyne yeares since or thereaboutes Brian mc Quoett and Patr Gaffny brought seaven or Eight Beeves to the Newry to be sould and that Collonel Edmund Mathewes gave him the said Captain Clarrke order to buy the said Beeves, and that he would have halfe share with him, he the said Captain Clarrke sayth that he bought them & to the best of his knowledge he gave betweene twelve and thirteene pounds for them, the said Brian mc Quoett and Patr Gaffney lodged in his the sayd Captain Clarrkes howse the night after he bought the sayd Cattle, and further sayth that the next morninge aboute breake of the day, he payd them the sayd Brian and Patr the the money before mencioned for the said Cowes, and as soone as they had received the sayd money, and Eaten somethinge, they went out of Town, and were Murdered within three quarters of a myle to the Towne, at a place called Ballenlare neere the high way <A> which leads between the Newry and Charlemounte, and that he heard they were Murdered by one Sargant James Gallchor and one sargant Holland, he further sayth he heard the sayd James Galchor say the he the said James with one sargant Holland did kill the said Brian mc Quoett and Patr Gaffney by Collonel Mathews order this Murder was Comitted in the Cessacion tyme, he likewise sayth the Beeves above mencioned were brought from CharleMounte to the Newry to be sould as the said Brian and Patr tould him
Tho: Clarke
The said Captain Clarrke further sayth that he heard them him the said sargant <B> Galchor and sargant Holland say they that they did take the moneyes above mencioned from them and gave it to Collonell Mathewes
Tho: Clarke
This Deposicion was taken before me
the 11th of march 1653
William Low
fol. 50v
The examjnacion of Captain
Thomas Clarke
James Gallogher
Captain Clarrks Deposicion
concerning leftenant