Deposition of Elizabeth Stewart
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fol. 82v
The Examinatione of Elizabeth Stewartt Aged 40 yeeres as theraboutts taken before me this 3d of May 1653
who being duely Examined & sworne sayth; thatt the wyfe of William Tayler tould this Examinatt vppon her death bedd; thatt William Taylers wyfe being throwne into the River with Joseph Hanlys wyfe, into the tall water; both with child; they both swam downe the River togeather; as nott being soe Aptt to sincke; as those thatt
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<E> were nott with child; and Joseph Hanlys wyfe drawinge neere the shore; after shee was A greate way caryed downe the River & shott through with A brace of bulletts by one Edmond Roe mc Eleavye; and the <kild Edm: Roe mc Eleuy> sayd Taylers wyfe by Gods Providence Escaped; and left this as A truth vnto this Examinat, & others vppon hir death bed. And this Examinat further sayth thatt one Owen Donnelly; was sentt by < to be inquired for abut neury> the sayd Donnell mc Cann o Neale; to <f> bringe this Examinatt, with her three Children, to the Tall water; and to cast them all into the sayd River; and thatt the sayd Donnell would stand privately by, vntill they were all drowned; onely he sayd, he would saue this Examinat to be his childs nurse; and this Examinantts neighbours being importunat, with the sayd Owne o Donnelly, to leaue this Examinatt behinde; tould them he durst nott, for he <G> did notheinge, butt whatt the sayd Donnell o Neile Comannded him; and being brought to the tall water by the sayd Donnelly, shee mett with the sayd Donnell; & A kinsman of his; who was this Examinantts frinde; who importuned soe farr in her behalfe; as thatt shee & her Children were saved for that tyme.
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And this Examinat further sayth, that hearinge Humphry Stewartt her husbande talking of the discourse he <H> hadd with Toole oge mc Toole Dall mc Cann aboutt the drowninge att Portadowne within a whyle after shee fell into discourse with the sayd Toole oge mc Toole Dall mc Cann; who tould her; thatt he with many other souldiers, were Comannded by Toole mc Rory mc Cann to Portadowne Bridge; and Comannded nott to suffer any of the sayd Brittish Natione to pass ouer the sayd Bridge butt such as gaue them Monye, & parte of their Clothes; where vppon this Examinat heard there were aboutt seaven score men, women, & Children drowned in the sayd River; and thatt shee hard all those Named by her husband, in his Examinacion with many more, of her Neighbours were then all drowned, & more sayth nott
Elizabeth [mark] Stewart
hir marke
Humphry Stewart and
Elizabeth Stuarts examinacions
Donell o Neille mc Cann
Dauid mc Vagh
Edm: roe Eleuy
Neale o Deuin
Toole oge mc Toole Dall mc Can
Toole mc Rory mc Can
Donell mc Can o Neale