Deposition of Humphrey Stewart

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:51 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-03
Identifier: 837082r053


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Down
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Multiple Killing, Words
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 82r

The Examinatione of Humphrey Stewartt taken before me the 3d of May; 1653 being Aged forty yeeres or theraboutts;
whoe beinge duely Examined, & Sworne sayth thatt nextt day after this Towne of Lisnegarvy was burntt; Sir Phelim o Neill with his Armye retorninge home scattered; this Examinatt cominge downe to the Tall <A>water the same day, saw Joseph Hanly his wyfe & three Children, [ ] caste into the Tall water; with one Henry Tailer sonn to William Tayler; and there drowned by Donnell o Neill mc Cann, David mc Vagh <with Mr Hen O Neill> Edmond roe mc Eleavy; & Neale o Devin wherevppon this Examinat was gladd to fly back into the woods againe; & there sheltred himselfe; And as for the drowneing att Portadowne hee this Examinantt sayth thatt he, & one James Jacksone being att Plow, for Mr Jones about Lammas laste; there came to them, where they were <In clanbrassell Mr Jones herd> plowinge; one Toole oge mc Toole Dale mc Can; & falling vppon some discourse aboute <B> the greate Murder was Comitted att PortaDowne; this Examined charged the sayd Toole, as beinge one of them, which was Actinge in the sayd Murders att Porta Downe; vnto which the sayd Toole answered thatt he did nothinge butt whate he had <In prison C> comannde for, for thatt Toole mc Rory

fol. 82v

had the Comannde of many men; & thatt amongst the rest; he Comannded this man and the rest; nott to suffer any of the Brittish Natione, to pass over the Bridge withoutt Mercy, & some of there Clothes and thatt this Examinat heard; there were drowned by thetsayd men aboute seaven score men woemen & children; amongst which was William Tayler with 4, or 5 Children Alexander Rose, with six or seaven Children; John Johnson, & his wyfe, [Atiles] warde, & his wyfe , Edward Eaten, James Runckard & very many more of this Examinants Neighbours; butt this Examinantt knoweth nott the Names of those thatt were att the sayd drowninge; butt <D> was heard by many, itt was don n e by the Comannde of Toole mc Roury mc Cann & more sayth nott &c
Humphry [mark] Stewart
his marke

Deponent Fullname: Humphrey Stewartt
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phelim o Neill, Donnell o Neill mc Cann, David mc Vagh, Hen O Neill, Edmond roe mc Eleavy, Neale o Devin, Toole oge mc Toole Dale mc Can, Toole mc Roury mc Cann, James Jacksone, Mr Jones, Joseph Hanly, Henry Tailer, William Tayler, Alexander Rose, John Johnson, [Atiles] warde, Edward Eaten, James Runckard
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim