Deposition of Mary Witter
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:51 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 81r
The examinatione and depositione of Mary the wfye of Robe{rt} {Witter} who beinge sworne saith before vs this 18th Apr 165{3}
That in the begininge of the warr she liveinge in the { } quarter and removeinge hir goods into the towne of Carri{ckfergus for } safetye, saw one Owen Modder Magee standinge st{ } one John Nelsone she then knew not the man to { } Nelsone, but afterwards heard that he was the m{ } <A> further saith that she saw him thrustinge & { } dagger or skene into the said Modder Magees { } cryed out for mercye sayinge that he desyred { } tryale, & if faltye he would suffer, but this de{ } she saw the said Nelsone thrust the dagger or sk{ene} { } his backe & more saith that their weare att that { } more slayne about the said qurter as she was in{formed}{ } more saith not
Mary [mark] Witter
John Dallway Mayor
Sam Bonnett
fol. 81v
The Examinacion of Robert
Witters wife