Deposition of Thomas Clarke
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 117r
The Examinacion of Captain Thomas Clarke taken before Captain Richard Price, Griffin Haward, and Roger Lyndon Esquires the 12th of May 1653
Who beeing sworne and dewely Examined, sayth that at the begininge of the Rebellion, Leutenant Hugh Trevor, John Weston ffrances Symons James Sturgeon, Mr Tutch Minister, and divers others were taken from theire respective dwellings, and carryed to the Newry to Sir Conn Mac Gennis, who caused them to bee sent from then cH from thence to Newcastle, nere Dundrum, there to bee kept till such prisoners of the Irish party, taken in Lecall by Sir James Mongomery, would bee exchanged for theise, Butt before that theise came to New Castle, those Irish prisoners were hanged as reported, wherevpon Conn mac Art Magenis [ ] Hugh mac Guin, and severall others nowe not alive, haueinge the Chardge of the sayd Leutenant Trevor, Weston and the rest sent from the Newry, tooke them away out of New Castle, and caryed them two myles of to a wood at the passe of Dundrum and there Murderd all the said persons, which Murder on Leutenant Trevor and Weston was as followeth, as this deponett Credibly heard hee then a prisoner within 5 myles of Dundrum
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in the hands of Edmond og Magenis in his house he sayth (as informed) that Hugh mac Guin being of those that carryed the kild Murd sayd persons to <C> the passe, tooke John weston by the Collor, this man said hee shall bee my share of the bouty, and presently drewe his sword, & struck the sayd weston on the head, with which stroake his sword broake who therevpon called to his Cozen Art Ballagh O Rory then standing by; for his Rapier and takeing it into his hand, runn the sayd weston twice or thrice thorowe the body saying that I will make an end of him, that hee shall neuer write a mittimus to send mee to downe Jaoyle againe : and sayth that aboute a ffortnight after hee this deponet saw the sayd Art o Rory were some of the sayd westons Cloathes. & demanding of the said Rowry why hee did not saue the said weston hee answeared hee could not saue him out of Hugh Maginis hand from <D> beeing kild And sayth that the said Rory confest vnto him that Leutenant Hugh Trevor was killed there the same tyme, and that Conn Magennis before named, gaue him the first blowe on his head with his swoord. And say{th} all this was alsoe tould him by divers of those who said they were present at the Murder, and sawe some of them were Leutenant Trevors cloathes; who came that night from the Murder to the sed Edmonds Magenis house
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where this depoenett was prisoner And more doth not now remember.
Tho: Clarke
Rich: Price
Roger Lyndon
Griffin Haward
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[C] B 1 12o May 1653
The Examinacion of Captain Thomas
Clarke touchinge the
Murder of Leutenant Trevor
and others
Hugh mac Guin &c