Deposition of Teage O Donaghan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:31 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 126r
The Examination of Teage O Donaghan of the Brade aged about thirty yeeres of age taken the 16th of May 1653
<4> Who being sworne sayeth That in the first yeere of the Rebellion he was a seruant to william Greg and was in his house that night that Simon Wallace and thirteen or fourteen more were killed That he this Examinat remembers that Bryan O Mullegin and Patrick Reagh Macgill and Toole mc Marcus were of the number of those Irish that came <A> into the sayd Gregs house, And that Patrick Reagh did search this examinat for money, and as the sayd Patr: Reagh went to search an other man in the house named John Parker, he this Examinat escaped out of the house, and so saw no more what the sayd Irishes did But that the next day he saue dyuers dead corps lying before the house whereof he certaynly remembers two brothers of this Examinat, John Parker Henry Wylie, Symon Wallace and John Boyde, all which six, this Examinat did help to burye
Teag O Donaghan [mark] his marke
Taken before me
Ja: Traill
fol. 126v