Deposition of John Glencorse
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:17 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 131r
The Examinatione of John Glencorse of Doune taken the 3: May 1653
Who being (as he Sayeth) aged about fourty eight yeers; Sayeth that about three quarters of a yeere agoe he this examinat being <C> with some 2 or 3 neighbours drinking a quart of beere in Doune Bryan Mackellhinny, came in and satt doune demanding to haue some fyre to take a pype of Tobacco; That he this examinat sayd there was no fyre in the house and that they had no greatt lyking to his company That thereupon the sayd Mackelhinny, begane to storme and call this Examinat a Scotts Dogg, and added these words if I had you in a place where I haue been I would not care more to kill you then a dogge, to which this examinat sayeth he replyed It may be you haue killed more many of my Country men And that the sayd Mackelhenny sayd in Irish (not knowing that this examinat understood the language) I haue been att the killing of twenty better men then you
John Glencorse [mark] his marke
Taken upon oath by
Ja: Traill
The Examinations of
Thomas Paceley Jhon
Tennent & Jhon Glencorss