Examination of Nicholas Ward
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=837177r135] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:07 PM
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fol. 177r
<{A}t Carrickfergus the 9th of June 1653> The Examinacion of Nicholas Ward of Cloghmagherycat in the County of Downe Gent taken in behalf of the Comonwealth
Who being deposed vpon his oath sayth that at May before the Rebellion he tooke to lease from Patrick mc Cartan of Login Iland in the County of Downe Esquire one Quarter of the <A> towne land of Loghin Iland, wher he with his family & goodes were resident at the begining of the Rebellion & vpon Sunday beeing the next day after the Rebellion began, the deponents Cattell were all driven away & within a day or two after the deponent (not knowing of a generall insurrection) hearing that his cattell were taken away by Patrick mc Cartan his men, the deponent repaired to the said mc Cartan to a place called Lisstudery some 3 or 4 miles distant from loghin Iland, wher he found the said mc Cartan & Owen mc Cartan his brother, & the deponent demanding of the said Patrick mc Cartan, by the name of Landlord, wherefore his cattell were taken before any rent was due, the said Owen mc Cartan replied, ther is an other matter in the Wind, & the said Patrick then sayd to his brother Owen let vs be favourable to Mr Ward in restoring him his Cattell whervpon Owen sayd, brother, our souldiers must haue meat, vpon hearing wherof the deponent made all the hast he could to get into Lecale: but at parting the said Owen mc Cartan called the deponent aside & vnbuttoning his [ ] the deponen t s coate, asked the deponent what haue yow heere, whervnto the deponent replying that he had noething, ymediatly tooke horse & rid away, And further sayth that passing from them into lecale the deponent did see in a Mosse a great number of cattell which he conceaued could not be lesse then 5000 cowes & oxen, which were all taken from the Brittish by the said Mc Cartan & his brother Owne as the deponent was then tould by an Irishman And the deponent further sayth not.
Taken before vs
G Blundell
Geo Rawdon
fol. 177v
fol. 178r
fol. 178v
(90) B
Mr Nicholas Wards examinacion
Patt: mc Cartan
Owen mc Catran