Examination of Henry Smith
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fol. 181r
<B> The Examination of Henry Smyth of Ballywalter in lecale taken the 3 May 1653
Who being as he sayeth aged about six and thirty yeers sayeth that he [ ] stayed in Doune only two nights after the Irish party came into itt and after he went to into the Countrey; That he heard after wards that the wyfe of Richard Cradell was killed by the sayd Irish and that he heard she was taken out of Richard Cusacks house, but by whom he knoweth not nor did he heare saye: As also he heard say that some other woemen wer killed then, as Will Athies wyfe but by whom hee knoweth not nor did he heare
Henry Smith
Taken [ ] vpon oath
the day aboue sayd before
Ja Traill
fol. 181v
([ ]) B
The Examinations of Robert
Welch Richard Cusack &
Henry Smyth taken the
3 May 1653
Concerning Murthers in Douen
Donnell Magennis & the
mc Cartans
lord Magennis
Con oge รด Neile
Rory Magennis