Examination of James Browne
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fol. 133r
[4328] 4228
The examinacion and Confession of James Browne prisoner in Carrickfergus this 6th of May 1653
Who beinge demanded where hee Liued in the beginninge of the rebellion answereth that hee then Liued in Iland Magee in the Towne of Bellypruerbeg, in which Towne Daniell Magee with all his family also Liued, and beinge further asked whether he knewe the said Daniell Magee, saith that hee did & further saith that hee alsoe knewe all his sones: & beinge further demanded whether hee had heard of their killinge & he there vnto saith that hee had & that it was in the begininge at the rebellion that hee the sade Daniell Magee was kild And beinge further asked whether hee was ever in the Company of Robert Boyd: Hugh Porter, William Gillis a{ } the house of the said Daniell Magee, answereth that hee was not and beinge asked whether he had ever heard or did knowe, how the said Daniell Magee was killed or who killed him, answereth that hee did not, & beinge further demanded whether hee did knowe, or euer heard ho{w} any of those persons that were kild with Daniell Magee or who were kild or who did kill them, saith that hee neuer did knowe or heare what persons were kild with him the said Daniell Magee or how they were kild/
fol. 133v
4228 [4326]
The Examinacion & the Confession of James Browne prissoner