Examination of Robert Boyd

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=838137r196] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:32 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-05-04
Identifier: 838137r196


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Antrim
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Philip Pinchon
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 137r


The Examinacion & Confession of Robert Boyd prissoner in the Goale att Carrickfergus May 4th 1653
Who saith that in the begininge of the Rebellion hee Liued in Glenarme & that he was neuer vnder any Comand as a souldier, sauinge that for about a quarter of a yeare in the begininge of the war hee the said Robert Boyd with many others of the Inhabitants of the Countrey gathered together vnder the Comand of Capten Agnews and were drawne to the Towne Larne, where they built a fort where the Lay for the space of eight weekes, and being demanded whether hee or any of them were Comanded by their said Capten to doe any seruice vpon the Irish, saith that hee was not neither did hee act any thinge vpon them voluntarily, but staid in Larne as aforesayd eight weekes & afterwards went into Scotland. Then beinge asked whether hee had heard or knewe of any of the Inhabitants of that Countrey that is to say, the Barrony of Glanarme, & Iland Magee that were kild in the begininge of the Rebellion, answereth that hee had heard of some Scots that were kild in Mackhereymorne & some Irish people in Iland Magee, but that hee knewe not the persons that were kild, nor by whom they nor any of them were soe kild, And beinge further asked whether hee were not in Iland Magee duringe the tyme of his beinge a souldier att Larne, saith that he was not, & that, the Murther Comitted there, was before his Cominge to Larne, & beinge then asked how he knewe when the said Murther was Comitted saith that hee heard it, And further beinge demanded whether hee every knewe Phellim Magee, Hugh Magee: Henry Magee, Bryan Magee: Meave Magee of Iland Magee or any of them, answereth that hee neuer knewe any of them And being further asked whether hee had ouer heard or knew that they amongst others were kild that night the murtherers were Comitted in Iland Magee, answereth that he knewe not how they were kild, but had heard that they were kild but by whom he knoweth not, beinge that night in belly Gelly Castle:
Wee doe hereby Certifie that after this Examinacion was taken the Informer declared, this examinante was not the person hee had accused neither doth hee knowe where hee is

[Phil: Pinchon]

fol. 137v

[403 4311] 4215


The examinacion and The Confession of Robert Boyd

Deponent Fullname: Robert Boyd
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Antrim
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Capten Agnew, Phellim Magee, Hugh Magee:, Henry Magee, Bryan Magee, Meave Magee
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim