Examination of Neale O Mellan
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fol. 174r
The examination of Neale O Mellan taken the 5th of May 1653
Who saith that hee knew not Mr John Griffin curate of Armagh, nor Symon Michaellson, nor <B> William Crummey, but hee knew John Kukley, glouer in Armagh, & m any others, who as hee heard were carried presently to Charlemount by Sir Phell: O Neales soldiers & what baecame of them after hee knoweth not, hee also knew, John Martrum who died in his bed, some short tyme barfore the Rebellion baagan, hee likwise knowes Edmond McCrolly, who gauerned the said Towne after the Rebellion baagan, vntill the Towne was burnt & was called Captaine Crolly this examinant Confesseth that hee livd in the aforesaid Towne till it was burnt, by Sir Phellomy & Turlo oge O Neales men when Generall Maior Monro tooke the Newry & that Collonell Brian McHugh Boy O Neale caused the Church of Ardmaghe to bee then
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burnt Hee deniath that euer hee bare Armes as a soldier but hee confesseth that hee was some tymes forced by the said Capten Crolly to goe the Round, with in the <C> Towne for the safeguard of their of houses, but he was never upon any guards or Convay with prisoners. Hee saith that hee knew Walter Bedley & Hugh Mather mcCarran who as hee heares is now a prisoner in Treadath; But hee did not know James Rowan of the Newry nor heare that hee was brought prisoner to Armagh, nor kild by Walter Bedley or any other hee also denieth that hee knowes or ever heard of the Toll water; and further saith not
Neale O Mullan his marke