Examination of Ellis Buntney
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fol. 176r
4177 4084
The 2 daye after the wars begone Redmond o Melon Came to our hous & toke awaye all oure Cattell & sent them away with his men after that hee came backe and held a pistell to my brest thretning to kill mee except I would tell hime wher my monnis was I beeing willing to saue my liff bad him gooe into such a place & take what hee found then hee depar{ted} from mee then wee thinking to make escape Came to Car Chrlimount bridg & ther mett with the sayd redmond o melon which toke hould of mee & bad mee giue hime all the monnis that I had & hee would saue my husband liff wherevpon I gaue him 7 or 8 pounds & tould him wher hee should find soe much more Then hee sent his brother, to deliuer vs to his wif which gaue vs noe entertainment acording to his promis but bid vs begon which sooe after shee sent three men to kill my husband which when hee had takne him forth & kild him he came in again my sist{er} asked him what hee had don with him hee answered I haue kild him which redmond o melons wiff is to giue me fortie shillings ffor killing him & I must bee kild my self if I had not kild him which shee sent hur brother to see whether I had or not
fol. 176v
4085 4127
8 March 1652
The examinacion of Ellis the wife of Nicholas Buntney neere Lisnegarvy
Redmond o Mellan