Examination of Hugh Porter
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fol. 309r
The Examinacion and Confession of Hugh Porter prissoner in the Goale of Carrickfergus May 5th 1653
<A> Who saith beinge demanded where hee Liued in the begininge of the Rebellion, saith that he dwelt in Loarne, & that hee neuer was a souldier vnder any Comand, & beinge asked whether hee had not Liued in Iland Magee, or beene often or some tymes there in the Company of Robert Boyd: James Browne & Hugh P William Gillis saith that hee neuer was in their <A> Company: sauinge that sometimes hee had bin att the house of James Browne, hauinge sold Comodities to him & bought some from him, and beinge further asked whether, hee knew where Turlogh Magee Liued in the begininge of the Rebellion saith that hee did not neither did he knowe the ffather & mother of the said Turlogh, neither did he knowe Phellim Magee: Hugh Magee, Henry Magee, Bryan Magee, Meave Magee or any of her Children, & beinge then demanded whether hee had euer beene in the house where the said persons Liued, saith that hee was not, And beinge afterwards asked whether he euer heard of their beinge kild answereth that hee neuer did, for hee went into Scotland that night or the night before, the spoyle was done in the Iland as he further replied, And beinge then demanded whether hee were not in the Iland that night & present in the place when & where Phelim Magee: his ffather & Mother, Hugh Magee <B> Henry Magee, Bryan Magee, Meave Magee & her fiue Children were killed, answerth in these words that if hee were, if it Cold bee persued against him by reall wittnesses hee was willinge to suffer for it, but further replyinge saith he knoweth not who was kild that night for hee was then in Scotland yet afterwards Confesseth that he was att sea that night & went aboard about twelue of the Clocke in the night to goe for Scotland
Hugh Porter marke [mark]
fol. 309v
The examinacion and The Confession of Hugh Porter prisoner