Examination of Turlogh Magee
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fol. 307r
<(3)> The Examinacion & Deposicion of Turlogh Magee of the parrish of Skerrey & County of Antrym aged 38 yeares or thereabouts taken before vs this 6th of May
Who saith that hee this Examinant in the begininge of the rebellion was in Coll Hills troope & hauinge Licence from his officers to fetch a fresh horse from the Iland Magee where hee then Liued: In the tyme of his beinge att home, was surprised in his house by seuerall of the Scots, amongst whom this Deponent: sawe & knewe Robert Boyd: Hugh Porter now Liueinge in or about Larne, also James Browne & William Gillis of Bally Lunford, in Iland Magee att which tyme this Examinant receiued seven wounds, that is to say from Robert Boyd fouer wounds: on his right hand a blowe & a stob: & into his thighes two stobs with a halfe pike and att that tyme Daniell Magee father to this Deponent & ffinnoola Mehannin, alias Magee, mother to this deponent were both kild, alsoe three of this Examinants Brethern, namely: Phelim Magee: Hugh Magee Henry Magee by the persons abouesaid and those that were with them: and Bryan Magee alsoe Brother to this examinant then had a stob in the brest & a Cut in the head & goinge to Carrickfergus the next day there died And further this deponent saith that Pattricke Magee his brother & Meave Magee his sister with her fiue Children, and two Children of the aforesaid Bryan Magees were then Murthered in the said house, and Likewise Shane Malcreuy the wife of the aforesaid Bryan was then wounded in the house & died about a Mile from it, And this deponent saith that the Cause of his knowledge of this fact is that hee was present in the place when thay it, wereas Comitted & sawe the persons abousaid (vizt) Robert Boyd: Hugh Porter: James Browne & William Gillis there att that tyme, & further saith that when Hugh Porter came into the house hee had a Pitchforke in his hand with which he stobbed Phellimy Magee into the Thigh: & as he this Deponent was goinge out of the doore of the said house hee was mett by the aboue
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mentioned William Gillis with a halfe Pike in his ha nd with which hee the said Gillis stroke att this Deponent: & to the best of his knowledge hett him ouer the face but of that is not Certaine some others <B> striking att him att the same tyme, and further saith that when hee this examinant was goinge out att the one Doore to make his escape, hee alsoe sawe James Browne before mencioned comeing towards the other Doore & further saith not
Turlogh Magee his marke [mark]
Taken before mee
Sam: Bonnell
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The Deposicion of Turlogh Magee against Robert Boyd: Hugh Porter, James Browne & William Gillis
about the murders of Donnell & Owen Magee & their familyes