Examination of Patrick Mackuggan
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fol. 316r
The Examinacion of Pattricke Mackuggen taken before vs this 29th of Aprill 1653 who being sworne sayth:
That hee this Examinant in the begininge of this Rebellion liued att sixe mile water & aboute a quarter of a yeare after the Rebellion began, a son of Robert Neale O Murryes who had the sumer before beene att scoole in the Towne where this Examinante dwelt but his name hee knoweth not was then travellinge from Carrickfergus towards <A> Balleymenagh & was mett by a Company of Scotch men Consistinge aboute fortie in number in the midway or thereaboute betwixt Carrickfergus & Ballymenagh & that one Gordge Grymes who then Liued att the Cogrey tooke the youth, sone to Robert Neale O Murry as aforesaid & tied his hands behinde his backe & carried him some parte of the way backe againe, & when the said Gordge Gryme & Company returned towards home againe one of them asked what they should doe with the said youth, vnto which the said Geordge Gryme answered, what shall wee doe with him, but leaue him here & takeing a letter from him thrust it with his foot downe into a boge; And this Examinant alsoe further saith that the aforesaid Geordge Gryme tooke vp an oaken staffe foure square & with the same stroke the said youth vpon the head soe that he fell to ground, & afterwards drew out his sword & Cutt & slasht him & Cutt of his head which when hee the said Grime had done hee stript him & tooke away his Cloathes, And this Examinant further saith that the Cause of his knowledge hereof is that hee was present in the place & sawe the murther Comitted and further saith not
Patricke Magughian his marke [mark]
Phil: Pinchon
Sam: Bonnell
fol. 316v
The Examinacion of Patt: Mackuggan concerninge a murther Comitted by Geo: Grymes
fol. 317r
fol. 317v