Examination of Jane Irvine
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fol. 60r
[ 4138 ] 4045Jane Irvine declareth as followeth vpon her oath taken by mee the 21th day of June 1653.
Who deposeth and sayth.
That about the moneth of Aprill 1643 Edmond O Corr with three other men whose names shee knows not Came to her house & tooke her with her fower Children to a river syd; & bownd her selfe with her necke & hames to geather, & then tooke twoe of her daughters & threw them in the river & there, with pickes & & skeanes killed her daughter one of them: in the water, & then tooke the sayd Jeane with thre the remaynder of her Children to the place where first they found her & so left her being at Ballyclugg in the County of Tyrone
ffarther the sayd Jane sayth that Pattrick O Corr with divers other men Came to her the next morning & Compelled her to goe with them, & tell them where whe r her husbands money was, & if shee did not tell where it was the sayd Pattricke threatned her that shee showld bee soe dealt with as her daughter was the night before
ffarther the sayd Jane sayth shee told this Pattrick o Cor that shee herd say her husbands brother had twenty pownds of his money & threw it into a ditch the which ditch she shew him but Could not find the money where vppon the sayd Pattrick O Corr tooke her & thew her into a hole full of water out of which turfe had beene taken & with staves thrust her too & fore in the water & then went away & ther left her. And further sayth not
Jane [mark] Erwin
her mark
sworne by the said Jane Errwin
before mee the day and yeare abouesaid
Roger Lyndon
she acknuwledged to be indebted to the Commonwelth of England in xx li. the Condicion is that shee shall appeare within 4r dayes warninge & prosecute, where required. dated this 21th of June 1653.
Jane [mark] Erwin
her marke
acknowledged before me
Roger Lyndon
fol. 60v
4139 4046
fol. 61r
4140 4047
fol. 61v
4141 4048
21 Junij 1653
Jane Erwyn her
Patrick o Corr
this woman dwells
now in the parish
of duneone in
Com Antrim