Examination of Nicholas Combe
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fol. 62r
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<symbol> The Informacion of Nicholas Combe sometimes of Dungannon in the County of Tyrone gent given in vpon oath the 4th of June 1653 before Collonell Thomas Herbert & James Standish Esquire Members of the high Court of Justice sitting at Dublyn
<Informeth> and vpon his oath deposeth that he hath often heard one <A> Turlogh groome O Quin of Monynegore in the County of Tyrone confes that he was an Actor in the first rayseing of the horrid Rebellion in Ireland and that he with his servants and followers tooke the Castle of Crewe alias Castle Stewart & burned the same and likewise that he and his followers or some of them surprized and tooke the Garrison, ffort and Castle of Mountioy <1641> vpon the 23th of October 1641 in which Garrison he confessed there was one Williams and Margery his wife with old Sargeant Roe killd, not in the towne or Garrison but led forth by them and then massacred, Justifying the fact, and alledging it was well done because they gave ill language of Sir Phelim O Neyle, but whether the said murther was committed by the advice, procurement or comaund of the said Turlogh groome O Quin, or with his privity and consent this Informant is not able to depose on whether the said Turlogh groome had any hand in executeing of one Brownloe Taylor in Charlemont, he is not able to enforme or <B> how he vsed one ffraunces the wife of one John Morris (being the daughter of Mr Roger Blyth of Dungannon who was murdred by the souldiers) whome he tooke from her husband and kept as a prisoner for the space of 11 or 12 moneths at the least, she can best evidence, but this informant knoweth not, & more he informeth not.
<Lett Mr Mich: Harrissone Captain Rob: Stewart of Toome be examined concerneing: Turlogh O Quin>
<& Lett Mrs ffrauncis Morrisse who liueth about Antrim or Temple Patricke be examined to the Last particular.>
Nich: Combe
Sworne the 4th of June 1653
at dublyn before vs
Tho Herbert
James: Standish
fol. 62v
4115 4022
fol. 63r
4116 4023
fol. 63v
4117 4024The Informacion of Nich:
Combe concerneing Turlogh
groome O Quin