Examiations of William Irwin and John Kilpatrick
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fol. 64r
[ ] 3982
The Examinacion of William Irwin, one of Captain Hales his Souldiers taken v pon oath before Lt Coll o Thomas Esq being on the 28 th of Marche the Commissioners of the Revenew of Vlster the 19th of Aprill 1653: att Londonderry
<A> This Examinate Sayeth and [ ] deposeth that one the seuen and twentieth of this instant Marche hee beeing in the house of one Margaret Jemison without Butchers gate, about one of the clocke in the afternoone, One William Boy a follower of Captain Henrye Vaughan came to the doore of the house of the aforesaid Margaret Jemison <and> calling to her would needes come into the house and besn i ge beeinge denyde enterance into the house by the said Margaret Jemison, hee sayd hee would brake open the doore Wherevppon to avoyde furthe{r} Trouble, the aforesaid William Boy was let in <and> hee putt his hand over a partition that is in the house seperatinge the outward roome from the Roome where the Examinate was and looking vppon him vttered theese wordes I knowe you, for here is the hand that killd your Brother, and many more and further said hee would make theese Speeches good and added that hee layd seuen yeares vppon Barnes Moore a Woode kerne And further this Examinate Sayeth not
William [mark] Iirwins marke
h: houncks
Tho: newburgh
John Kilpatricke beinge sworne & examined before me <B> henrye ffinch esq one of the justices of peace for the Province of Vlster sayeth in al points as the above examanant hath saide & further sayeth he killed the said William Erwines brother & his sonne & another sonne he hath in kepinge in paune of monye & the said Erwine demandinge what became of his gossepe Tomson & the rest of the companye replide he kild them all; and askinge when he had killed them what he did with them he replid e answered he put them all in a hole of water & further saith not
the marke [mark] of Jo: Kilpatricke
Henry ffinchfol 64v
[4077 ] 3983
fol. 65r
fol. 65v
[ ] 3984{ } 11
Examinacions concerneing
William o Bwoy
william Erwyn
John Kalpatrick
A. 11 12