Examination of Lady Charity Staples

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=839068r046] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:14 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-04-13
Identifier: 839068r046


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Derry, Donegal & Tyrone
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: John Reeve, Owen Wynn, Thomas Newburgh
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 68r

The Examinacion of the Lady Charity Staples widow taken vppon oath att Londonderry the 13th day of Aprill 1653
Who being duely sworne, deposeth and sai th as followeth vizt And being asked what shee knowes concerneing the demeanor of Neill oge o Quin who is suspected to bee guilty of severall Murthers & Robberryes comitted by him in the first yeare of the late generall Rebellion <A> in Ireland, which was in Anno 1641 Sayth, That vpon Saturday being the first day (as this examinant remembreth) of the Rebellion; the said Neill oge o Quinn with a great Number of Armed Men then vnder his Comaund came vnto the howse of Sir Tho: Staples this examinants Late husband att Lissen, and by force entred and rifled the same and tooke this examinant and foure of her children Prisoners; and haveing possessed himselfe of the said howse detained this examinant and her said children prisoners in the said howse for the space of ten dayes after, or thereabouts, and sent them Prisoners to bee kept in durance <B> att Castle Cawfeild; and how the said Neill oge o Quinn did afterwards demeane himselfe shee knoweth, But saith that shee hath heard, & it was generally reported, that hee was a Man guilty of Many Murthers comitted by himselfe, & his comaund, but to instance any particulers shee cannot; Nor Did shee afterwards see him from the tyme that shee was sent from Lissen excepting once which was about some fourteene dayes after, that hee came to take away her Sonn from her dureing such tyme as shee was a prisoner amongst the Rebells; And this examinant being yet further asked if shee had not

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not heard of any particuler Murther or Massacre don by the said Neill oge o Quinn, sayth shee cannot; other then that betweene thirty & forty Brittish then lyveing vnder Sir Thomas Staples were Murthered and Massacred by those which did then rise, with and were under the Comaund of the said Neill oge o Quinn; But being not present, nor eye wittnes to it, shee sayth that shee cannot say further in concerneing this busines
Charity Staples
This examinacion was taken
vpon oath before vs the day
Tho: Newburh
Owen Wynne John Reeue

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5 13o Apr. 1653
The examinacion of the Lady
Charity Staples conc:
Neill oge o Quin &
James mc Vagh

A 5


Deponent Fullname: Charity Staples
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Lady
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Neill oge o Quin, Tho: Staples
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Mentioned