Examination of John Randolph
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=839066r045] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:14 AM
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fol. 66r
The Examinacion of John Randolph of Carickfergus aged about 27 yeeres ould taken 31 March 1652:
<B> Being duely sworne, sayth in all poynts according to the aboue written examinacion, And moreover sayth that Edw: & William Ludman Brether: Edw Wharton, George Wh[ ]mith & Tho: Phillips Englishmen & Inhabitants of Lissan were taken out of the same town, by Owen o Quyn: Neyles oges own sonne & then his Lieut & Neyle mc Gaughan & divers others vnder the abouemencioned Neile oges Command & carryed to a place halfe a mile out of the same, & were slayne as it was then reported and that he saw the Irish abouenamed, returne into the town within an howre after with the apparell of the stri p persons:
Tobias Norrice: Rich: Bickerstaffe
fol. 66v
[ 3980 ] 3986
fol. 67r
[ ] 3987
fol. 67v
Edmond Knowles examined about Murder{s}
comitted by Neyle oge o Quyn
Neale Oge O Quin
Owen O Quin
Neale mc Gaughan