Examination of Sir Baptist Staples

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=839074r049] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:14 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-04-19
Identifier: 839074r049


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Derry, Donegal & Tyrone
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: John Reeve, Owen Wynn, Thomas Newburgh
Deposition Transcription:

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The information of Sir Baptist Staples Barronett, taken vpon oath at Londonderrye before the Commissioners of the Revenue for that precincte, 19th of Aprill 1653
<A> Who beinge sworne sayth, That Neale oge o Quine at the beginninge of the late Rebellyon seized vpon the house of Sir Thomas Staples this informers father, and possessed him selfe of all his estate therin, and kepte him this informer prisoner for about halfe A yeare and A halfe, and his mother the Ladye Charitye Staples, and two of his sisters prisoners for about halfe A yeare; And this informer further sayth that he hath heard some of his fathers tenants say, that most of his fathers tenants that weere brittish weere murdered within foure or fiue dayes after the said Rebellyon, that weere husbandmen or landed men, and as they conceived by the said <B> Neale oge o Quins orders; And this informer further sayth that the said Neale oge o Quine kepte an Iron worke goeinge A whyle after the Rebellyon which was this informers fathers, vntill such tyme as the English Armye hath taken Dungannon, and that then the said Neale oge o Quine gaue orders as this informer hath heard beinge then prisoner in his fathers house for the burneinge of the said house and Towne, and then fledd to the mountaynes (beinge called as your this informer was tould the mountaynes of Slubah) and tooke your this informer along with him, and alsoe did make vse of severall of the men belonginge vnto the said Ironworke to helpe to driue his cattle to the aforesaid mountaynes in which journey an fishwoman tould <C> this informer that the nexte day the said Neale oge o Quine would make the said workemen beleiue that he would send A Convoy with them to putt them past danger to the Clandaboyes but would giue orders that they should be kylled by the way, wherevpon this informer acquaynted soome of the workemen what he was tould, and desired them to impart

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it vnto the reste, and to shifte lost e for themselues, and to <D> make an escape aswell as they could that night, but they did not, and the nexte day this informer heard soome of the said Neale oge o Quins souldyers, or familye, declare themselues that most of them weere killed; And this informer further sayth, that Andrew Younge, and John Armestronge beinge murdered, the said Neale oge o Quine kepte the widowes of the said Andrew Younge, and John Armestronge her daughter a longe tyme in the Towne where this informer was for the most parte kepte prisoner to brue beire and aquavitæ to sell, the said Andrew Youngs widow formerlye sellinge it, but afterwards as this informer was tould by <E> soome of the said Neale oge O Quins souldyers, or familye, the said Neale oge o Quine promised to send A convoy with them to putt them paste danger to Coalraine, together with A Sonne of the said widow Armestrongs, and caused his sonne Owen o Quine then his owne Leiutennant, with soome of his souldyers to goe alonge with them, but weere kylled by the way, and as this informer was tould by soome of the said Neale oge o Quins souldyers, or familye that after the Leiutennant retourned one of the said Neale oge o Quins sonns had the dublett on him that the said widow Armestrongs sonne did weare; And this informer further sayth, that soome of his fathers tenants, amonge whom A Scotch youth about fifeteene yeares of adge, his surname as your this informer remembreth beinge Ellett, who was heard vnto Sarah o Quine, the wife of the said Neale oge o Quine, as your this informer heard weere taken forth to be kylled, and the heard cryed out in the heareinge of this informer vnto the aforesaid Sarah o Quine, Sorahah o Quine, Sorahah o Quine I pray saue me, but what became of the youth, and the rest that weere taken forth this informer knoweth not
Baptist Staples

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Wee doe attest this examinacion to bee taken before vs the day and f yeere before saide
Tho: Newburgh
John Reeue
Owen Wynne

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Sir Baptist Staples
Examinacion concerneing
Neill oge o Quin &
James mc Vagh

A. 6.

Deponent Fullname: Baptist Staples
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Knight
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Neale oge o Quine, Owen o Quine, Sarah o Quine, Thomas Staples, Ladye Charitye Staples, Andrew Younge, John Armestronge
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim