Letter to Sir Gerrard Lowther from Wadington and Brasil, Commissioners at Athlone
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fol. 145r
Right Honorable
In observance of your Commission sent to vs beareing date the Tenth of January last, Wee have sent for Mr Alexander Aikins, (not being able to gett informacion, of any other Person in this Precinct, that could give Evidence concerneing the Murther committed by Collonell Myles mc Swyne and others.) and tooke his Examinacion, and Recognizaunce to prosecute, and (afterwards) by vertue of your said Commission wee sent the said Mr Aikins into the North, (haveing written to Sir George St. George, to send some Soldiers along with him,) to endeavour the apprehending of mc Swyne, and the rest, who had their hands in that Murther, but after his longe stay there, seeing he could not apprehend them, he sent vs the inclosed Letter, which, with his examinacion and Recognizaunce (likewise inclosed) wee have transmitted to you and leave to your Consideracion; Haveing received informacion from Capt Packenham, that there was one Dowdy, in Capt Sandfords Troope, who could give Evidence, concerneing the Murther, committed att Bellanelacke in the yeare 1651. (for which wee vnderstand Daniell mc Gwyre is now Prisoner in Dublin) wee sent for him and haveing taken his Examinacion, Wee sent likewise for Nangle, Darcy and ffagan, who the said Dowdy (informed vs he) conceived were accessary to the said Murther, and haveing taken their Examinacions, they confessing nothing, (which wee could apprehend to be) materiall, and his Evidence against them being but slender, wee adventured, vppon good bonds, for their apparance vppon Sumons, to lett them have their Libertyes and tooke Dowdy his recognizance.
fol. 145v
Recognizaunce to prosecute, which Examinacions, bonds and Recognizaunce, wee likewise inclosed send, haveing also received some informacion against Conn Kelly, about the Murther of Thomas mc Egan, wee tooke the inclosed Examinacions, but seeing wee could not apprehend his body, (although wee endeavoured it) wee proceeded noe further, Wee doe herewith returne your Commission (which if not delayed, through our not heareing from Mr Aikins, vntill very lately, you had received sooner) and leaving the whole to your Concideracions & you to the Guidance of the Lord remaine
Your assured humble servants.
H. Wadington
Alex: Brafeild
Athlone the 30th of March 1654
High Court of Justice
fol. 146r
fol. 146v
Lettre from the Comissioners
of the precinct of Athlone
rec the 3d of Aprill 1653
concerning the murther
of Mr Aykins & others.
For the honorable Sir Gerrald Lowther
Knight and Barronet Lord President of
the High Court of Justice sitting in
remains of seal