Examination of Margrett Edwards
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fol. 150r
The Informacion of Margrett Edward of Liffer in the County of Donnegall widdow taken vppon oath at Liffer aforesd the 16th day of ffebr: 1652 before me Tho: Newburgh Esquire one of the Justices of peace by Authoryty of Parlyament in the province of Vlster.
Whoe beinge duely sworne saith that at that tyme the very first day that the Rebellyon bracke out in Ireland (she beinge then at Blessingburne in the County of Tyrone a garrison where Sir Henry Tichburnes foote Company then Lay saw Hugh moynagh mcArtt and Bryan mcHugh o Donnell o Neill. Principalley Actinge amongst the Rebells whoe then attempted the takeinge of the Castle and Burnt the Towne where Mr ffrancis Lamb was slayne and sundry others of the Brittish Nacion and farther this Informer saith not
The merke of
Margrett Edwards
Tho: Newburgh
fol. 150v
Ex Margarett Edwards
Hugh Moynagh mc
Art &
Brian mc Hugh Donnell
o Neile
for the murther of James ffrancis Lambe
A 8