Deposition of Donogh mc daniell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:34 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 13r
<34> donough mc daniell of Garrinfin neare Kilbrittan aged 40 yeares or thereaboutes, being sworne & <B> examined saith that he liued at Kilbrittan Castle the first yeare of the Rebellion; where one Bryan Bullagh & Daniell og Hurly (in the absence of mc Carty Rea) had the chiefe command for
fol. 13v
mc Carty Rea was abroad gathering an army & therefore was there at the Castle but some times And this deponent knew one Gussain (An english man that was brought to Kilbrittan <C> whome he seeaw seuerall times, & after wards knowes he was hanged there but knowes not by whose what order the foresaid for persons in Chiefe, had for putting him to death nor any cause vnles it were least he should runne away to the English & give intelligence to them. further saith he heard of the death of Mr John Stepney, & that he was murthered by Phinin mc Reery & Cormock o daly for as this deponent beleeues for he knowes for certaine that & the said Phinin, and one Cormucke o dayly were two of the party that went out that time, alsoe he knew of an english mans head that was brought to kilbrittan by some of the irish there but their names he knowes not, nor who kill him; further saith that he was credibly informed that one daniell mc donough Sassenagh & others hanged tooke Mr Thomas Linshcombe suffraigne of Clannakilty, out of his <D> house & hanged him there by: alsoe & like wise that one Macnecruining of Bealaanurr in Carberry tooke one John Burras, his wife & child, into his Castle as for their security. but after wards hang’d them all three, which was in the yeare 1641 & further saith not
Donnovgh mc Daniell