Deposition of Roger Kinedie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:21 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 208r
Roger Kinedie of Cahirdugane in the parish of Cahir Dugane in the Barony of fformoy in the Countie of Corke yeoman (an Irish protestant duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of &c deposed and saieth that on or about the first of ffebruarie Januarie last hee lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt
In Cowes and steers to the value of twentie pounds of houshould stuffe fiue pounds hee farther saieth that his wife was stript by Rebbells whose names hee knowes nott: the totall of his Losses amount to twenty fiue pounds sterling.
Roger Kennedy
Jurat coram nobis
25o Maij 1642
Phil: BisseTho: Bettesworth
Ric: Williamson
fol. 208v
The examination of
Roger Kennedy