Deposition of William Reymond
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:19 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 285r
<symbol> William Reymond of the Towne and parish of Mitchelstowne in the barony of Clangibbon and within the County of Cork maltster (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs and others directed (beareing date &c. concerneinge the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the brittish and protestants within the Province of Munster &c. deposeth and saith. That aboute the begining of May last the deponent lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seueral values followeing vzt
Of horses to the value of twenty shillinges. Of houshouldstuffe and weareing apparell to the value of twenty fiftie shillings. The totall of his losses amounts to forty thre pounds ten shillinges. & further he deposeth not.
William [mark] Reymonds marke
Jurat coram nobis
19o Martij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
fol. 285v
William Reymonds examination