Deposition of Robert Coyne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:42 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 238r
437 435
Robert Coyne late of Clonmckeny in the parish of Downe Bar{ony} of Cunagh within in the County of Limericke (a brittish protestant) no{we} Sarieant in his Maiesties Armye, duly sworne & exa m ined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and sai e th that on or aboute the tenth December last past 1641 and since the begininge of this present Rebbellion in Ireland hee lost was Robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 278 li. 1 s. 10 d. sterling Part consisting of debts owingOf Cowes horsses yearlings mares coults sheepe and ho ggs to the value of seaventy nyne pounds and ten shillings sterlinge Of Corne in house and haggard to the value of thirtie fower pounds and < fowerteene > shillings sterlinge, Of houshould stuffe and prouision to the value of nynty pounds six shillings and ten pence sterl inge Hee likewise saieth that by meanes of this Rebbellion hee lost of Corne in grounde [ ] growinge in the lands of Gortieally in the parishe Barrony and County aforesaide to the value of fiue pounds ster Hee further saieth that by meanes of this Rebellion hee lost of debts which this deponent accounted good debts before the begininge of this Rebbellion the summe of sixtie pounds and elleven shillings sterlinge Due vppon Christopher S exton gent disabled protestant by mean{es} of this Rebbellion Garrett Harbert gent Patricke Allen and Teige mc Awly yeom e n and seuerall others whose names this deponent Remembreth nott now in actuall Rebellion, The Totall As alsoe that hee was Robbed of eight pounds in monye The totall of his losses amounts to two hundred seaventy and eight pounds one shillinge and ten pence sterlinge Hee lastly saieth and further deposeth that hee was robbed of his goods and Chattles aforesaid by Torlagh mc Bryen of Cunagh in the said County Esquire and Hugh Ryan of Ceylmoylin in the said County gent and Pillip mc Donnogh of the same gent leman togeather with their Brethern tennants and followers who robed him att seuerall nights about the time aforesaide, Hee likewise saieth that his wife beinge travellinge towards Downe Raile for safegarde of hir life she was stript and Robbed by William Roch of Clostoge in the County of Corke gent and alsoe by the Tenants and servants of John Roch of Ballinemony in the said County gent Hee further saieth And that about the fowerteenth day of may last Stephen ffant ge{nt} and Dermod mc Cragh a corporall of Capten Curtnyes were both slayne at walls towne in Roches country Mr Walle and John Dunane gentlemen beinge both att that tyme in the Castle, Hee lastly saieth that a
fol. 238v
bout the eight day of June last past James Barnige a souldier of Sir John Brownes company was kild at Dromnone Castle Callaghan รด Callaghane beinge then in the said Castle And further hee deposeth nottRobart Coyne
Jurat coram nobis
Phil: Bisse
Hen: Rugge
Robert Coyne his Exam