Deposition of John Stevinson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:12 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 194r
John Stevinson of Correnerie in the Countie of Cavan gent being dwelie sworne and examyned, sayeth, That in and since the begining of this Rebellion, hes beine Robbed deprived and spoyled of the yearlie rent of eight poundes ster: out of the Clerkshipp of Killan and Knockbryde, six poundes ster: of yearelie rent out of a lease of land dureing this deponents Lyftyme which he had from John Hamilton of Correnerie aforesaid in the said Countie Esquire, twentie Cowes and oxen young and ould value thirtie thrie pound ten shillings ster:, thriescore sheipe value twelue poundes ster: eight horses and Mares value twelue poundes ster:, Corne hay turffe and other grayne value forteine pounds ster: Houses houshould stuffe and Cloathes value twentie four poundes ster: debtes dwe to this deponent by the rebelles and Robbed people amounting to twentie four poundes ster:, which amounteth in all to one hundreth nynteine pound and ten shillings ster:, besides the forteine pound a yeare dureing lyffe for the lease and Clerkshipp, And further this deponent sayeth, that his Cowes horses Mares and sheepe was taken and detained from <a> him, by Shane Rellie of Drombenneise Shane Rellie of Kilcloghane, Neise Sirian of Killan and Simon Sirian of the same and Patrik o kellaghane of Ralaghan, and that his Corne, haye, turffe, and other Grayne, houses houshould stuffe and cloathes was taken and detayned from him, by Shane Rellie of Drombeneise, Phelyme Backaghe Rellie of Correnerie James Linshie of the same and Simon Sirian of Killan, And that the said Phelyme Backagh Rellie did diverse tymes assaulte this deponent with swordes Pistolles, and other weapones to take away his lyffe but escaped his handes by the power of Almightie God And this deponent further sayeth That he hearde the said Phelyme Backagh Rellie Tirlo oig Rellie of Correnerie Shane Rellie of the same and Neise o Sirian of Killan say, That whatsoever they did against the British they
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they had a warrant for doing thereof from the King And that they would losse there lyves before they would < [ ] > be any more vnder the English Government, Besydes manie other Rebellious and outragiouse wordes spocken by them and diverse others of the Irishe in that Countie of Cavan, which this deponent cannot weele remember And further sayeth now about the fourth of November 1641, That this deponent was present when Hugh mc <b> Milmore o Rellie, as Captane with one hundreth and fiftie men or thereaboutes with swordes Pickes and other weapones came in warlike maner and tooke into his possession: the Castle of Bailiborrow within the Countie of Cavan with all the goodes Cattle Coirne and houshould stuffe which did belong to William Bailie Esquire, and left Tirlo oge o Rellie, Cormuck Roe mc Clerie preist, and diverse otheres whom this deponent cannot remember to keepe the said Castle goodes Cattle Corne and houshould stuffe to his owen vse, which goodes Cattle and houshould stuffe, Jane Rellie alias Beataghe wiffe to the said Hugh mc Milmore Rellie, within a fortnight there after with with twentie men and vpwardes in her company tooke away with her to Pearscourt, and after shee had Pilladg{d} that house shee tooke with her Mres Bailie wiffe to the said William Bailie and kept her for a weeke and odd dayes till shee purchassed Licence to depairt, and within a few dayes after the said Hugh Rellie tooke Bailiborrow this deponent heard that he with one hundreth and fiftie and thereabouts in warlyke maner with swordes Pickes and other weapones tooke into his possession the Castle of Pearscourt within the said Countie with all the goodes Cattle Corne and houshould stuffe, that did belong to Mr ffitzwilliames, which was found in and about the said Castle, and that he left <c> donagh Moddir Bradie Brian mc clerie and diverse otheres to keepe the said Castle goodes Corne and houshould stuffe to his owen vse, and within a short whyle thereafter came