Deposition of Roger Mc Cave
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:54 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 457r
Roger mc Cave of Bruff in the County of Limerick blacksmith sworne & examined deposeth & saith That about Lent was three yeres when the Irish Rebells had a garrison at Bruff aforesaid one Captain Stumpe whoe was a souldier Comander on the English partie was slaine in a b[ ] the high way leading between Bruffe & Bagetstowne, & it was the Comen report of many people of Bruffe aforesaid that he was soe <A> killed by one Dermott Maloony whoe is brother in lawe to Dermot รด Bradie of Bruffe aforesaid & by another whose name this deponent knoweth not at the and that at that tyme the irish garrison at Bruffe aforesaid was Comanded by Maior Peirse Lacy sonn to John Lacy of the Bruffe aforesaid & brother in law to Sir John Browne knight: But never heard that either the said Peirse Lacy or any other Irish Comander or any other of that partie ever questioned or punished the said Dermott Mulloony for the same fact
The mark [mark] of the said Roger mc Cave
Deposed vnto the first of
September 1653
[C: st]
Henry fflower
Tho: Waring
Ro: Stamael
Will: Kinge
fol. 457v
Roger mc Cave B7
fol. 458r
fol. 458v