Examination of Hugh O’Connor
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The examination of Colo: Hugh o Connor taken the 17th June 1653 before Colo: Thomas Herbert Major Henry Jones and William ffrankland Esquire members of the high Court of Justice at Dublin.
Sayth that hee is sonn unto Charles o Connor Dun of Ballyntubber in the County of Roscomon and that his father had Comaund amonge the Irish soone after at the breakeing out of the rebellion, And this examinant further sayth that hee himselfe hath beene a Colonell amongst the said Irish <A> these eight yeares last past, and being demaunded if hee did ever know Hugh Conoghan footeman to major Ormsbye and by whose order hee was hanged, sayth hee did never know him but hath bin tould that such a one was comaunded to bee hanged by his father, a Jurye first passeing uppon him, and being demaunded where hee was at the tyme when the said man was hanged. sayth that hee doth not well know whither hee was in the County of Roscomon or the County of Mayo, but that his father was constantly in that County. and being demaunded for what cause the said Hugh was hanged, the examinant sayth that hee hath beene tould by Dermott o Kiltye of Ballyntubber and ffeogh Bourke of the same that hee was hanged for runneing away from his Cullours: and that hee doth not know of what regiment hee was. and further sayth that hee hath heard that the said Hugh Conoghan was <B> taken prisoner either by Phillipp mc Doyle of Montagh or mr Lane of Tulske and brought to Ballyntubber to his sayd father but denyeth that hee was there when the said Hugh Conoghan was brought thither or when hee was condemned or
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Executed, and being demaunded if when hee was prisoner at Castlecoote that mrs Ormsbye wife to the said major did not chardge the death of this man uppon him, Hee this examinant sayth that hee was eight or nyne monethes prisoner at Castle Coote. but denyeth that ever shee chardged that murther uppon him or that hee ever had any discourse with them her about the hanging the said man: to the best of his <C> remembrance, Being likewise demaunded how the men are calld who were the Jury that past a verdict uppon the said Hugh that was executed, hee this deponent sayth hee doth not know any of their names except one of them who is calld Moylemurry mcSwyne who now liues at or neere Ballyntubber: but beleiues the rest are all knowne in Ballyntubber, and further sayth not.
Hu: o Connor
Taken this 17 of June 1653.
before vs
Tho Herbert
Hen Jones
W ffrankland
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Coll. Hugh o Connors
17. June. 53.